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ACROSS is hiring!

Tandem Plus, the coordinator of the project ACROSS (or a delegated partner from the partnership).


The candidate must be an independent consultant, who meets the requirements set out in this ToR.


How can VET and labor market actors contribute to a sustainable, “green” economy driven by the need to better preserve and protect both the social-economic well-being of our societies and the natural resources of our planet? This was the big question that prompted 10 partners from 8 EU countries - the ACROSS strategic partnership - to deal with these changes to provide solutions to workers, students and companies and to equip them with the necessary skills and capacities to undergo greening processes. The partners of the projects are:

TANDEM PLUS (Project Coordinator) – 201 rue Colbert, Centre Vauban, Entrée Lille, 59000 Lille, France, acli e. V. – das Selbsthilfewerk für interkulturelle Arbeit – Biesingerstr. 16, 72070 Tübingen, Germany, ANJAF – Rua do Salitre 185, 1250-199 Lisboa, Portugal, BLANKCON – Spijnderstoren 19, 3912AW Rhenen, Netherlands, EVTA – 93-95, rue de la Loi, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium, FORCOOP CORA – Via Santa Teresina 7, 30020 Noventa di Piave, Italy, I.F.O.A. – via Gianna Gigöioli Valle 11, Reggio Emilia, Italy, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy Winnova (Winnova) – Satamakatu 19, 26100 Rauma, Finland, Obrtničko učilište (OUZG) – Ilica 49/1, Zaagreb, Croatia, Tietgen – Elmelundsvej 10, 5200 Odense, Denmark

Rather than a sector per se, ACROSS looks at the transformation of jobs into “green jobs” as a crosssectorial overhaul of traditional jobs in transforming/ restructuring sectors and the development of innovative, technology- and efficiency-driven new jobs also in traditional sectors. We focus on two main tenets: sustainable development in the so-called green economies and the appraising of transversal skills as portable skills in times of high unemployment and restructuring. The partners’ alliance has devised a three-step action that consists in:

a. identifying policy and practice that can inspire actions and approaches to sustainable economy and that can provide a EU-wide reference for the definition of an innovative ACROSS methodological framework linking transversal skills to greening economies; The result of this activities is a comprehensive document: the ACROSS knowledge toolkit” which has been released in October 2016, and the ACROSS methodological approach will be released early in 2017. b. the consolidation of three operational tools, built for VET and labor market professionals, workers and companies (especially SMEs) to assess transversal “green” skills , to increase employability with the appraisal of such skills in greening jobs and to support companies in defining and anticipate green skills needs The three tools have been presented and shared during a joint training week in October 2016 with the participation of over 30 people from the project’s countries. c. The test and evaluation of the framework solidity and the effectiveness of the tools developed. Networking and sharing at local, national and EU level is our strategy for buy-in at different levels, by convening and sharing the results of the project and promoting its approach to key stakeholders. The test of the model and the consolidation of the tools will be the focus of the last year of joint work.


Overall objective

The overall objective of this contract will be to implement the social communication strategy of the project and offer visibility to the project’s results through the blog and social networks. The blog has been created in 2015 and the consultant will have access to it. In particular, the external communication activities contribute: · To ensure the visibility of the project and provide general information on its relevance in the greening processes of economy; · To share the results and the solutions deployed by the project with other practitioners, local, national policy makers, stakeholders at local, national and EU level and the general public; · To promote the positive impact of the project in terms of capacity building and improvement of services of VET, LLL, labour market, employment, restructuring and sustainable economy; · To promote the innovative nature of the project, and make available the tools and positive results for further use/implementation. Purpose The purposes of this contract are as follows: · to inform various target groups about the project and its results · to increase the number of visitors to the blog by updating it and promoting it · to increase interactions and followers of the project’s social networks · to ensure visibility of the ERASMUS +, the project and its objectives and results. Results to be achieved by the Consultant · increased knowledge among the different target groups about the programme and its impact on their professional and personal lives · increased understanding of the project’s activities · increased number of likes and followers (at least 600 likes on social network) · increased visibility of the project, objectives and results. Specific Tasks of the consultant The consultant, in coordination with the contracting organization and the communication manager of the project is expected to: 1. update and improve the existing blog of ACROSS, also in coordination with the contracting organization. The ACROSS blog is available at the following URL it is expected that by the end of February 2017 the blog will be updated and upgraded 2. publish all results of the activities and events taking place as part of the project and/or related to the main themes of the project (greening of economy, transversal skills, sustainable skills, re-skilling and up-skilling etc). To this aim the consultant will have to interact not only with the coordinator, but with all partners in order to make sure that all products and results are online. 3. monitor several websites and other social network pages that focus on the themes of the project with the purpose of relaunching and informing on the latest news, policy and activities (the websites/social networks should include EU and international organizations/institutions as well as thematic networks, organizations, research bodies public or private relevant to the project) 4. animate the social pages (Facebook, and others if applicable) also with small paid campaigns with the aim of increasing traffic and interaction both on social media and the blog. It is expected that at least two posts are published online each week, these may include polls and other forms of social visibility. Location of the service The consultant may provide its services as home-based assignment with his/her own equipment, provided that he/she is available and coordinated regularly with the contracting organization and partnering organizations.

Duration of the service: 12 months (from January to December 2017)

Compensation: The foreseen compensation for the service is foreseen in € 3.000,00 (including all taxes and additional fees) which include also social media campaigns. The compensation will be paid out as a lump sum corresponded in two down payments. The first payment will be paid after the upgrade of the blog (end of February 2017) and the second in December 2017. Different ways of payments may be arranged if suitable to the contracting body and the consultant.

Profile and requirement of the consultant:

Qualifications and skills · University degree (where an university degree has been awarded on completion of three years of study in a university or equivalent institution- EQF 5), preferably in ICT communications, journalism or other discipline related to this Contract, or in absence of a degree, 1-year experience above the general professional experience required below in the field of ICT communications · fluency in spoken and written English (C1 level in the European Framework) - (knowledge of any other official EU language will be considered as an advantage) · knowledge about EU programmes, in particular ERASMUS + and general LLL policy · general knowledge of the main topics of the project General professional experience · minimum 2-year experience in ICT communication Specific professional experience · demonstrated experience in providing blog and/or social network communication in at least one EU project Additional assets · Experience in social networks groups or pages · Experience in handling a web page or blog (as an editor, contributor or in design)

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR CANDIDACY: Candidates should submit their CV, a one-page (maximum) cover letter and any additional information that can prove their experience and that they meet the requirements by email to: Sandra Rainero The subject of the email must be: ACROSS Project’s External Communication tools : YOUR FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME The cover letter, CV and any other material should be attached in a ZIP file. DEADLINE for submitting your candidacy is January 17th, 2017 at 12.00 CET. The results of the selection will be communicated by email by January 23rd, 2017 to all candidates and published on the ACROSS blog.

Terms of Reference: Project’s External Communication tools: blog and social networks ACROSS project ERASMUS + 2014-1-FR01-KA202-008479 CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION

Ce projet est financé par le programme Erasmus + Coopération pour l'innovation et l'échange de bonnes pratiques - Partenariats stratégiques pour l'éducation et la formation professionnelle

© Réseau Tandem Plus 2015

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