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Project Leader Profile

Tandem Plus (France)


Brief description of the organization
A European network grouping associations and institutions in Europe (and Morocco), based on the experiences of different countries preoccupied and affected by social exclusion and poverty. Its members work on topics such as fight against discrimination, promotion of equality and social inclusion, intercultural exchange, social policies, training and integration.



#training #network #socialequality #inclusion #Europe



Our team consists of Sandra Rainero, project manager (and so much more!) from Italy and Ana Baidan, project technician, working from France.




Partners Profiles 

ANJAF - Associação Nacional para a Acção Familiar (Portugal)

                - National Association For Family Action

Brief description of the organization

Non-profit association, working since 1989, whose aim is to encourage solidarity between people, their families and the community, in order to promote equality, justice and progress, by harmonized actions of economic, social and cultural development ensuring representation, participation and intervention. Our main objective is to carry out activities contributing to socio-professional integration and socio-cultural development of all exposed groups, namely those in a situation of exclusion, in order to promote social harmony. 


Activities and Competences:

CACI - Centre for Knowledge Support and Integration

ANJAF Hall of Residence; - Students Residence

ANJAF-SAD – Domestic Care Assistant – Providing Domestic Care Assistant to Elderly people

Training Department - Vocational training as the most appropriate way to promote employment opportunities, in accordance with its purpose of fighting against exclusion and promoting social integration.



Solidarity; mutual aid; Equality; Respect for diversity; Freedom 


#social/professional inclusion #training #equality



Our team is constituted by Isidro de Brito, that works in social area and transnational projects for more than 25 years. Sofia Silva, that works for 18 years in training organization and transnational projects linked to social area. Vanessa Antunes is social worker, that works is social area, namely with families for 10 Years.



Phone: +35 1213 845 690">

Acli e. V. - das Selbsthilfewerk für interkulturelle Arbeit (Germany)

                    - the self help organisation for intercultural work


Brief description of the organization
acli e. V. – the self help organisation for intercultural work – is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 by immigrants inspired by the Italian Christian Workers Movement in order to promote education, intercultural awareness, employment and social integration of young and elderly people with or without work, with and without experience of migration, flight or displacement.The association gives continuity to a more than 30 years’ experience of the vocational education and training institute, well experienced in transnational and European projects and networking activities.As migrant organisation we focus on life-long, intercultural and trans-national learning. By guidance and counselling, training and learning activities as well as by action research, we intend, to strengthen weak young and elderly people in promoting their own cultural and vocational competences and resources.Together with local, regional and international stakeholders and partners, we raise awareness of necessary structural systemic change processes and learn, increasingly, how to face, in a sustainable and fair way, work and life of the future.In the framework of the across partnership acli e. V. puts at disposal its professional experience in human resources development and learning a sustainable and fair development of people and the planet.


consultancy; empowerment; Europe; green economy; green jobs; guidance and counselling; flight and displacement; industry 4.0; intercultural learning; labour market; mentoring; migration; training; social dialogue; smart industry; sustainability; transnational learning; vocational education and training; VET; work; youth



Norbert Kreuzkamp, sociologist, trainer, educator and adviser, has been involved in European projects for over 30 years. He has expertise in HR and organisational development, VET, learning methodologies, intercultural learning, network building, transnational learning, management of networks as well as in applied social research.

Emanuela Tierno, trainer and language teacher, has a long-time experience in vocational education and in training of groups and individuals.

A third expert, representing different co-operation partners locally involved in specific vocational education and training measures (Chamber, enterprise, vocational school, vocational training organisation or municipality), might occasionally reinforce the project team.


Norbert KreuzkampInternet 

Phone: +49 7071 793 333





Brief description of the organization

Forcoop Cora Venezia Sc designs and implements training and guidance paths for people willing to re-enter the labour market or for employed workers wishing to update/specialise their competences. Since its foundation in 1990, the “core business” has been vocational training and guidance: post-diploma and post-lauream training, lifelong learning for companies and workers, training courses for women and migrants, school and vocational guidance, skills assessment and balance, competences validation, research and ad-hoc methodologies development and experimentation, etc.

Forcoop has implemented customised training courses for companies, in particular in the agro-food and wine, tourism, sustainability and new technologies sectors and in the HR management and valorisation.

Services provided to both unemployed and employed workers are: vocational and personal guidance; training and work placements; support to re-employment (ref. Cora, Retravailler, and Talentaged methodologies); training and guidance services with a gender approach (unemployed women, migrant women, 50+ women); competences assessment and balance, counselling and coaching, empowerment paths; self-entrepreneurship guidance and consultancy.

Forcoop is accredited by Veneto Region in the following areas: Guidance, Lifelong learning, Higher education, and Employment services.

Forcoop mainly operates in the area of Veneto region, but it is active at national and European levels thanks to its memberships in the CORA network (Associated Retravailler Guidance Centres) and Tandem Plus Network.



#training #sustainability #greenskills #guidance #coaching #counselling #competence #valorisation #assessment #greentalent


In terms of skills and expertise, Forcoop can assure the involvement of professionals who have been working in the VET field and on a European level for several years.The core staff of the ACROSS project is made up of:Patrizia Loiola: senior project manager, experiential trainer and guidance counsellor, and expert in the field of skills assessment, valorisation, and validation.Eleonora Barbieri: senior trainer and guidance counsellor, expert in the field of skills assessment, valorisation, and validation; she carried out most innovative projects in the field of skills validation.Serena Boldrin: junior project manager and researcher in the fields of equal opportunities, VET and guidance in the youth sector; trainer and guidance counsellor.



Phone: +39 0421 307741


BLANKCON (Netherlands)


Brief description of the organization

BLANKCON has its roots in Dutch agricultural education and training. Its main activities are in project management and consultancy in different European projects.

BLANKCON was involved in a DoI project, called ECVET-STEP. In that project some tools have been developed, which also can be useful for ACROSS. We believe that the principles of ECVET could add an extra dimension to ACROSS.

BLANKCON is also member of the Dutch National Expert Group and also here is interesting information available. It leads to the conclusion that what we do in ACROSS could get an extra dimension when we put it in an ECVET context: to place green competences and skills in the hierarchy of job profiles.



ECVET, Project management, consultancy, agricultural education and training, quality assurance, marketing



From BLANKCON, three persons are involved in Across:

  1. Hans Blankestijn has been involved in European project for over 20 years. He has expertise in ECVET, with quality assurance and quality control as a specialisation,

  2. Hilda Weges is an educational specialist with expertise in IT.

  3. Elke Halm is the communication expert, with marketing as main topic.

All three have a broad history in the world of agricultural/green education.



Hans Blankestijn

Phone: +31 655 793 178


Tietgen (Denmark)


Brief description of the organization

Tietgen was inaugurated in 1954 and is a large education institution today. This involves more than 3.000 participant-full time student equivalent and employs a staff group 350 persons at three locations in Odense. 

Tietgen is a VET learning center offering VET business programmes and continuing education (from EQF level 2 to 5).

Tietgen is a modern centre for education and knowledge. In collaboration with large and medium-sized companies across the country, we develop targeted education programmes. We are a part of nationwide education networks and we have a significant position in the fields of management training and continuing education.

Our vision is to act committed, action focused and innovative.

The governing values of the work with the realization of this vision are:
• Experiences of life
• The individual in the community
• Cooperation


#vocationaleducation #VET #education #cooperation #learning


Lisbeth Junker Mathiassen, project manager

Kim Larsen, principal, competence centre


Kim Larsen

Mrs Lisbeth Junker Mathiassen 


Phone: +45 20289675

Obrtničko učilište – ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih (Zagreb Croatia)

Craft college – institution for adult education


Brief description of the organization

Craft College, founded in 2006, is an institution for adult education located in the City of Zagreb as a part of the Croatian Crafts Chamber system. It organizes educational programmes adjusted to the labour market needs which include craftsmen, entrepreneurs,  uneployed, teacher and trainers and VET students.



#training #craftsman #Europe #adult education #vocational education 



Our team consists of Dražen Maksimović, director, Goran Švast, project manager and Anamarija Mišljenović, project technician.


EVTA - European Vocational Training Association (Belgium)


Brief description of the organization

The European Vocational Training Association, EVTA, is a network of European organisations in the field of human capital development. During its 15 years EVTA has developed into an important actor within the field of European vocational training. Through EVTA its members influence and stay updated on EU-policies and participate in European development projects.



#employment #innovation #entrepreneurship #educationandtraining 


Giulia Meschino, project manager


Giulia Meschino

Phone: +32 2 644 58 91


IFOA - Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (Italy)

         - Training and Consultancy Agency of the Chambers of Commerce


Brief description of the organization

IFOA focuses its training on the ability to transfer skills and competencies which can be immediately applied in the job market. Our training in fact focuses primarily on know-how.

Know-how which comes from a constant, intense relationship with businesses. IFOA in fact takes great inspiration from businesses, those who work in the field, and its consultants and experts to define its training packages, identify its teaching staff and run its rich faculty.

This is why IFOA stands for useful training. Useful for those who are already in the job market; useful for young people, who are trained from the start to work with innovative technologies and processes.


IFOA offers courses and trainings in different fields  with the aim to participate to the new market’s needs; that is why the new challenges of the labour market are relevant and the environmental aspect is considered one of it (e.g. courses for quality control, certifications of energy performance, industrial waste management, environmental labels,…). 


Besides, IFOA has been working on European and International projects for many years, with a particular focus on education, training and employment of young and adult people.

IFOA has also experience in online, blended and e-learning, an aspect of education that cannot be avoided to be taken into account in this decade. 



#useful knowledge #training #vocational education #employment #european projects 



  1. Stefania Cocorullo – project manager. Director of Strategical Development in IFOA. Head of International and Innovative Projects Dpt in IFOA. Specialties: in guidance, counselling, placement, matching, traineeships, apprenticeship.

  2. Elena Terenziani – assistant project manager. Expert of European projects design, implementation and reporting, in the field of local development, employment, training.

  3. Marianna Ragazzi – assistant project manager. Youth trainer and educator, with experience in formal and non-formal contexts of intercultural learning, education and environmental issues. 

  4. Fabrizio Ruscelli – ICT expert. Responsible for e-learning technologies, coordinator of the technical area, system administrator and trainer. He is project manager and instructional designer of e-learning courses.



Phone: + 39 0522 329380; +39 0522 329399 


Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy Winnova / Winnova (Finnland)


Brief description of the organization

Winnova is a regional provider of vocational education for young people and adults in South-Western Finland. Winnova offers a wide variety of educational services for the needs of youth, adult and business education. The customer segments of Winnova include the following: youngsters (vocational qualifications); adults (pragmatic education based on individual needs, adult education, additional professional training); business (pragmatic and company customized education based on the needs analysis).  Winnova has approx. 6000 students and approx. 600 members of staff of which 500 are teachers.


Winnova has participated actively on development of skills anticipation models and methods on regional and national level in Finland. It is an active partner in a regional foresight network and it has developed practices both in qualitative and quantitative foresight of skills and competencies.


Winnova will use the regional network for skills anticipation for all the testing and piloting activities of ACROSS tools and materials. The network is constantly developing its activities and methods by benchmarking good practises on local, regional, national and European levels.



#VET, #IVET, #CVET, #vocational, #skill, #qualification 



  1. Mr Petri Sotarauta, project manager, teacher (Finnish society and politics, labour market skills, entrepreneurship)

  2. Mr Teijo Wahlman, project expert specialiced in skills anticipation, business development and apprenticeship training

  3. Mr Kari Toivonen, head of department, training manager responsible for curriculum development



Petri Sotarauta

Phone: +358 44 455 8446


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