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Join the ACROSS Final Conference on 26 July!

The ACROSS team is happy to invite you the the ACROSS final conference 'Greening Transversal Skills in Europe' which will take place on 26 July at the European Economic and Social Committee (JDE 63), Rue Belliard 99-101, 1000 Brussels.

The conference aims to discuss the main questions that the ACROSS consortium dealt with:

- How can VET and labor market actors contribute to a sustainable, “green” economy driven by the need to better preserve and protect both the social-economic well-being of our societies and the natural resources of our planet?

- How can they cater solutions to workers, students and companies and equip them with the necessary skills and capacities to undergo greening processes?

During the conference, the ACROSS partners will showcase the main outcomes and products developed during the project implementation. Experts from the European Commission, VET training centres and private companies will also participate in the panel discussion, contributing to the debate with their professional and personal view on green skills.

Thank you for registering by clicking here. Registrations will close on 21 July.


Ce projet est financé par le programme Erasmus + Coopération pour l'innovation et l'échange de bonnes pratiques - Partenariats stratégiques pour l'éducation et la formation professionnelle

© Réseau Tandem Plus 2015

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